Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project – We Need Poop!
- Post by: Chiron
- August 4, 2019
- Comments off
The Need for Poop
Chiron K9 is assisting the San Antonio Zoo’s Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project by training dog/s in field survey techniques to detect and alert to the presence of Texas Horned Lizard scat (poop), eggs, skin cast, and lizards.
The aim is to provide a fast and efficient method of field surveys to increase the accuracy of detection of the presence of Texas Horned Lizards. The canine teams will assist surveys by:
- Searching areas and determining if there is an existing Texas Horned Lizard population
- Searching areas to monitor released Texas horned Lizards ability to maintain population post-release
- To locate specimens for use in research/breeding program
The Texas Horned Lizard is the State Reptile, in one generation people have seen a reduction in sightings in communities. Take part in reversing the trend and let’s do our part to get the lizards back into all parts of Texas.
Please ensure you do the following:
- Only collect Texas Horned Lizard Poop – See photos video for examples
- Do not touch samples – Use clean tweezers, plastic disposable gloves
- Use glass jar – Must be cleaned prior to use
- Store in fridge or freezer – Maintains freshness and preserves scent
- Do not touch/disturb Lizards
- Contact me once you have samples – [email protected]
- This is voluntary
Categories: SCAT