Working K9 Paw & Nose Butter

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Quality product handmade from 100% natural and pure ingredients!
It is so good I use it on my canines!

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Chiron K9’s Working Dog Paw & Nose Butter

Do you work your canine in freezing temperatures? Even trudge through the snow? Wade in freezing water and mud? Or even on hot sand?

I have worked canines in all conditions and around the world. One of the concerns in extremes of weather is the dogs paws. Even booties don’t always protect the paws as they slip off and get lost. It is also believed by some veterinarians that using booties to protect the paws in extremes of heat can be dangerous as the canine is unable to lose body temperature through its pads. It is not just paws that can be affected either, the nose, nipples and testicles can all suffer and become sore and cracked.

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I have selected every ingredient which are from local and/or ethically produced sources. They are 100% natural and pure and I ensure I know there origins. I hand make the butter and use it myself on my own dogs.

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100% natural and pure:


  • Beeswax  – From either Aumens Bee farm, North Carolina or Gretchens Bee farm, Texas
  • Coconut Oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Vitamin E
  • Aloe Vera

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